Top Ten Tuesday • Sequels I Can’t Wait To Get

top ten tuesday bannerTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme/feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.


It’s probably still Tuesday somewhere in the world. Maybe. Possibly.

Top Ten Sequels I Can’t Wait To Get

  1. Arsenic for Tea (Wells and Wong, #2) by Robin Stevens: January 29th 2015
  2. More cute girl detectives! Poisoning! Bunbreaks! Plus, Robin Stevens’s tweets are adorable and she’s already teasing about book #3 which will be set on a train!

  3. The Voyage of the Basilisk (Memoir by Lady Trent, #3) by Marie Brennan: March 1st 2015
  4. One day I will cave in and get the whole series in hardcover because of those stupidly pretty wraparound covers. This book is set on a ship! And there are (more) dragons!

  5. Who Buries the Dead (Sebastian St. Cyr, #10) by C.S. Harris: March 3rd 2015
  6. I still haven’t grown tired of Sebastian and Hero.

  7. Of Noble Family (Glamourist Histories, #5) by Mary Robinette Kowal: April 28th 2015
  8. Last book in the series, which… feels about right. I’m curious to see how it’ll end (I predict babies) and I’m looking forward to whatever Kowal will write next. Her NaNoWriMo project looks awfully intriguing.

  9. The Stars of Summer (All Four Stars, #2) by Tara Dairman: May 5th 2015
  10. Seriously cute cover, and a cute food critic at summer camp!

    Arsenic for Tea The Voyage of the Basilisk Who Buries the Dead Of Noble Family The Stars of Summer

    Those next 5 books are so far into the future that they don’t have an official cover yet… Sob sob.

  11. Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4) by Marissa Meyer: November 24th 2015

  13. Hoarfrost (Whyborne & Griffin #6) by Jordan L. Hawk: 2015 maybe?
  14. She has been writing a couple of books every year so first or second quarter of 2015 is not impossible.

  15. Captive Prince: Volume Three by C.S. Pacat: 2015 hopefully?
  16. But it’s still being written so your guess is as good as mine.

  17. The Bastards and the Knives (Gentleman Bastard, #0)by Scott Lynch: 2017 possibly? who knows?
  18. I should’ve listed Gentleman Bastard #4 rather than #0, since that’s a prequel technically, but #0 will have the Sanzas! And Bug! So I’m a lot more excited about that one, and also I haven’t read book #3 yet, ooops.

  19. The Winds of Winter (A Song of Ice and Fire, #6) by George R.R. Martin: NEVER

Are you reading any of those series? Which ones are you most looking forward to?


What’s Up Buttercup • November Edition

What's Up, Buttercup?
What’s Up Buttercup is an overview of the past, present and future here on Words in a Teacup, posted around the middle of the month.


What's Been Going On:

  • WE MET ON NOVEMBER 1ST SO WE COULD GO AND SEE WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE IN HAMBURG AND IT WAS AMAZING (both the meeting and WTNV). We have photographic evidence too:

    There would’ve already been a post about it but some people on this blog are lazy butts.

  • Ren made a list of Top Ten new series she wants to start. We’ll see how that goes for her!
  • November’s Pick-For-Me is in full swing and while Isa’s not even midway through one of her picks, Ren has already finished one of hers! (Way to go, Ren, especially after you so steadfastly ignored the last couple of PFMs.)
  • Ren also made a list of her Top Ten books she wants to re-read. It goes without saying that Know Not Why (you should all read that, btw, it’s awfully cute and fluffy) and Harry Potter made the list. They’re both all-time favourites of ours.
  • The following week, we banded together and both contributed to the Top Ten Tuesday post! There are so many characters we wish would get their own books, it’s a miracle that we even like the books that they are only secondary characters in. Can you guess who wrote about which characters, though?
  • In blog-unrelated news, Isa is almost through her probation period (two more weeks!!! I can do this!!) of her apprenticeship. She’s also fallen into a pit of Fleetwood Mac and can’t get out. (You haven’t had a religious experience yet unless you’ve seen Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham be awfully cozy together post-breakup. And look at that cute dancing… I might be suffering from emotions due to this. Similarly, seeing them perform Rhiannon is like watching an exorcism and it’s amazing. 10/10 would recommend on-stage exorcisms if they include Stevie Nicks.)


Recently Reviewed

The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place by Julie Berry The Jade Temptress by Jeannie Lin Reunited by Hilary Weisman Graham The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie by Alan Bradley The Circus of the Damned by Cornelia Grey Bloodline by Jordan L. Hawk Black Dog by Cat Grant The Heiresses by Sara Shepard Also Known As by Robin Benway Precious Metals by L.A. Witt Horrorstör by Grady Hendrix



Coming Up Soon:

Upcoming Reviews
I Shall Wear Midnight (Discworld #38) by Terry Pratchett Waistcoats & Weaponry (Finishing School #3) by Gail Carriger Moon Called (Mercy Thompson #1) by Patricia Briggs

That’s it for this month, buttercups. What’s going on with you? Feel free to share in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!
Isa and Ren

Top Ten Tuesday • Characters You Wish Would Get Their OWN Book

top ten tuesday bannerTop Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme/feature hosted by The Broke and The Bookish.

Top Ten Characters You Wish Would Get Their OWN Book

You’re getting five from each of us this week! Be excite! (Be even more excite that we actually managed to eventually un-distract ourselves from our distractions.)

Gail Carriger's books

<.< Look, the thing is, Gail Carriger writes amazing characters, across all her books, and I love them dearly. It’s only normal for me to be wanting more about them! >.>

1. Genevieve Lefoux. Viiiieeeeeeevvvvvvveeeeee! I really really love Vieve, sorry not sorry, and ugh I wish we got more about her. Especially after the things that happened in Heartless and Timeless. I mean. Really. Seriously. I just want more Vieve. Vieve as a child, Vieve as a teenager, Vieve as an adult. Vieve. Give me Vieve.

2. Lord Akeldama. We know so little about him and he’s so interesting and flamboyant and ughhh, just give me more, okay? I want to know more about him and his history and his agendas and everything.

3. Sidheag Maccon. Pardon me, I mean Lady Kingair. I like saying that. Mhmm, Lady Kingair, fabbest of the fab Scottish folk. I don’t even like wolves and werewolves but I would not mind reading about her life with them. At all. Sidheag is amazing in a bajillion different ways.

Harry Potter

And then of course, there’s Harry Potter…

4. Padma Patil. Or any other Ravenclaw who is not Luna, tbh. I love Luna, but damn I just want some stuff about life at Hogwarts from a POV that isn’t Harry’s and frankly Luna’s is probably too cray (although maybe we’d find out that she listens to Stevie Nicks or something similarly beautiful). What’s life like at Hogwarts for the other students? What is living in Ravenclaw like? Just give me all the information!

5. Daphne Greengrass. Cause I want a Slytherin POV. They can’t possibly be all evil (well… they can, in JKR’s Gryffindor-favouring world but JKR is simply wrong on this) and I wonder what it’s like to be a Slytherin? And they can’t all be obsessed with Harry, the way Draco is, so you know? What do they do, what’s it like having Snape as a Head of House, what’s it like being hated by everyone, etc? Just gimme anything that is not a Gryffindor POV. (Though I would read a book about Fred and George.)


(Can you guess which blogger wrote which bits of this entry?)

6. John Granby. Also known as: my baby. Let’s be realistic, I have no idea when I’m going to read the next book, but you can bet than I will be pouting for 90% of the time wondering where Granby is. Will is an okay protagonist, but he’s just so nauseatingly proper all the time. I need Granby eyerolling at Will’s stupidity and fixing his problems for him to get through the books.

7. Emily Roland. Also my baby, and with good reason this time since she’s only like ten years old. I would read sequels about Emily fifteen years from now, riding dragons and kicking ass.

Grisha trilogy

8. The Darkling. Yeahhh I haven’t finished this series either, but Alina is so boring. Good is boring. I wanna read about the Darkling being all shady and evil back in the past, before good showed up to ruin the day. I might be okay with a book about Nikolai too, but since he only just showed up in the book I’m reading, who knows. I’ll stick with the devil I know.

Good Omens

9 & 10. Aziraphale and Crowley. It would be kind of pointless to put them in separate bulletpoints. Word of god (heh heh) says that they’re living in a cottage somewhere now, but I wish I could read a book about all their past shenanigans. Or two books, one about each of them, but then there’s bits in which they interacted, so it makes sense to just have one book with the two of them. It would be a dream come true — every single historical alternate universe rolled into one. Where were Aziraphale and Crowley during the Elizabethan era? What did they do in Ancient Egypt? Did they like the dinosaurs? So many pressing questions.

Ren and Isa

Pick-For-Me • November

Pick For Me

Pick-For-Me is a monthly feature where each of us picks two books for the other to read. Click here for details.

October Thoughts

October Picks

Isa: Those were some neat picks! Since I can barely manage to read one book per month these days, I opted for The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie. I liked it well enough, too!. Obviously I didn’t get around to Patrick Ness. Ren is not the first one to tell me to read it, so I swear I’m not going to just kick it off my TBR one day. It’s going to be read. I swear.

Ren: After last month’s picks were posted, I saw two or three reviews about Salt and Storm that were less than positive; in particular they said that the story was very romance-heavy, and since I was mostly interested in this book for the magic and the adventure, I’m not sure I’m going to read it any more. I did start The Kneebone Boy but unfortunately I’m not fond of the narrator so it’s slow reading. On a more positive note, though, I finally finished The Heiresses from August’s Pick-For-Me! It was hilariously terrible and I’m going to post a review soon!

Goodreads Links:
The Knife of Never Letting GoThe Sweetness at the Bottom of the PieSalt & StormThe Kneebone Boy

November Picks

Ren for Isa

The Perks of Being a Wallflower Witch for Hire

On Goodreads:
Witch For HireThe Perks of Being a Wallflower

Ren: Since it was Halloween and all, I thought Isa might like a book about witches. And, er, one about wallflowers, which has nothing to do with Halloween at all. I only have a vague idea of what The Perks of Being a Wallflower is about, so I’m hoping Isa will read it and tell me. I hope those books are short enough that you’ll find the time to read one of them!

Isa for Ren

Moon Called by Patricia Briggs The Midwife's Tale by Sam Thomas

On Goodreads:
Moon CalledThe Midwife’s Tale

Isa: Ren requested short books, so I picked these because they are short. Ish. They’re shortish, Rennie. I’ve been eyeing Moon Called for a while now, though not necessarily for myself, so I hope to get Ren’s opinion on it. The Midwife’s Tale I chose because midwives. I dunno why but I connect midwives with you now, Ren.

Are you also doing the pick-for-me challenge with a friend or over at Amy’s LJ community? What do you think of our picks this month? Let us know in the comments!
Isa and Ren

What’s Up Buttercup • October Edition

What's Up, Buttercup?
What’s Up Buttercup is an overview of the past, present and future here on Words in a Teacup, posted around the middle of the month.


What's Been Going On:

  • With the two of us working full time now, we still have to find a way to set aside time for reading and blogging! Some days we miss each other completely because Isa goes to bed before Ren gets home. :( However, we’re very excited about meeting up in a couple of weeks! We’re going to the Welcome To Night Vale live show… Expect a Random Ramble or two on the subject!
  • Ren made a list of Top Ten Books on her Fall 2014 TBR List. She was a bit of a failure because she didn’t read any of the books on her summer list, but this time she’s trying to do better and she’s already read a book and a half.
  • The PFM books for October were chosen, and Isa has already finished one of hers! Way to go! Sadly, Ren might DNF one of hers because of an annoying narrator.
  • Ren listed Top Ten Books For Readers Who Like Character Driven Novels
  • Tragedy struck when Isa’s Kindle broke for apparently no reason. To cope, she thought of several things you can do when your ereader breaks.


Recently Reviewed

The Hero’s Guide to Saving Your Kingdom  by Christopher Healy Rivers of London by Ben Aaronovitch  Jewel of the Thames by Angela Misri The Princess Curse by Merrie Haskell



Recently Acquired:
stuff Isa recently gotIsa: No books this month (much like the previous months), but instead a new Kindle. Since, you know, my other one broke. Again. God. People should not give me technology. So far I am pretty happy with my new Kindle, which I’ve called Flora. It’s a bit different because I had a Kindle 4 before and now I have a Kindle 5, the main difference being touch! I still keep trying to move to the next page by pushing the buttons at the side, except that there are none. It takes a bit of getting used to but I really like it! It has some nice features too, like a vocabulary builder (oh my god I am in love right now) and Wikipedia integration and most importantly Goodreads integration, so despite the unexpected dent in my bank account, I am pretty happy with my new Kindle.



Coming Up Soon:

Upcoming Reviews
The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place The Jade Temptress Black Dog The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

Looking Forward To
November 4: Mortal Heart November 4: Waistcoats & Weaponry

That’s it for this month, buttercups. What’s going on with you? Feel free to share in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!
Isa and Ren

Pick-For-Me • October

Pick For Me

Pick-For-Me is a monthly feature where each of us picks two books for the other to read. Click here for details.

September Thoughts

September Picks

Isa: Oh my god, I actually managed to read a book! Work and school and tiredness and all the stress are hell on my reading time (I would read more but I tend to fall asleep after half a page, so it’s a slow-going process these days), but yay I read a book! Out of Ren’s picks I opted for Rivers of London, because that one’s been on my TBR for ages. Well, not any longer! There were some really frustrating things about it, but I liked it all the same. I didn’t get around to Austenland, however. :( Sadface. Well, maybe some other time, right?

Ren: I’ve been a terrible reader this month. Out of the two picks, I only started The Princess Curse and I haven’t finished yet. A big part of it is that the book is very slow-moving, and since I’m familiar with the tale of the Twelve Dancing Princesses that the book is based on, I already know what’s going on with the curse and there’s no suspense. Starting from next month I’ll have a long commute, though, which means a couple of hours every day just for reading. So I’m hopeful I’ll manage to finish a lot more books.

Goodreads Links:
Rivers of LondonAustenlandA Thousand Pieces of YouThe Princess Curse

September Picks

Ren for Isa

The Knife of Never Letting Go The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

On Goodreads:
The Knife of Never Letting GoThe Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie

Ren: A lot of bloggers seem to hold Patrick Ness in high esteem, but neither of us have read any of his books, so I’m curious as to what Isa’s opinion will be. Second… I’m sorry Isa for always picking mysteries for you, but you have so many in your TBR. I’m curious about this 11-year-old detective.

Isa for Ren

Salt & Storm by Kendall Kulper The Kneebone Boy by Ellen Potter

On Goodreads:
Salt & StormThe Kneebone Boy

Isa: I very nearly chose Abhorsen since Clariel is coming out soon, but knowing you, you won’t even attempt to read my picks, so I don’t want to waste this one. ;) (I’m kidding. I know you’re trying very hard!) So instead I shall throw these two on you. The Kneebone Boy looks a bit like an Addams Family cover except that there are no shiny Wednesday braids. Sounds good, too! I hope you’ll enjoy it. And oh, I picked Salt & Storm because it has such a gorgeous cover, but also because witches!! Historical romance!! Sailors!! It should be right up your alley, amirite. (Well, obviously. You put it on your TBR, so there.)

Ren: That just makes me want to read Abhorsen instead… (Kidding, kidding. PFM is serious business.)

Are you also doing the pick-for-me challenge with a friend or over at Amy’s LJ community? What do you think of our picks this month? Let us know in the comments!
Isa and Ren

What’s Up Buttercup • September Edition

What's Up, Buttercup?
What’s Up Buttercup is an overview of the past, present and future here on Words in a Teacup, posted around the middle of the month.


What's Been Going On:

  • The good news: Ren finally found a job! She starts on October 1st and is very excited about finally becoming an actual adult with an actual salary. The bad news is that, with both bloggers working full time, posts will remain scarce in the foreseeable future. We’ll try to make it up by writing extra-interesting posts!
  • Speaking of, Isa posted some of her thoughts about how she balances work & blogging.
  • We’ve picked our choices for September Pick-For-Me. Isa is reading Rivers of London, while Ren plans to start The Princess Curse as soon as she’s done with her pile of ARCs.
  • Ren listed ten books she wants to read but doesn’t own yet, either because the book isn’t out yet or because it’s old and hard to find.
  • For the back to school theme, here’s ten characters who would be sitting at Ren’s lunch table.
  • Usually when Ren finds a great new author she goes and reads all of their other books, but sometimes she can’t — or won’t. So here’s are ten authors Ren read only one book from but NEEDS to read more.
  • Isa finally finished re-reading Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and she posted her thoughts on the last few chapters… and socks. Because socks are important!


Recently Reviewed

All Four Stars by Tara Dairman Chalice by Robin McKinley A Bitter Truth by Charles Todd Wintersmith by Terry Pratchett High-Heeled Wonder by Avery Flynn The Little Lady Agency by Hester Browne Starglass by Phoebe North



Recently Acquired:
Covers of books Ren just gotRen: Usually when I get a review copy it’s an ebook, so I was pretty excited to get this one in the mail! It’s set in Oregon, and I’m already bummed because I just know it’ll make me want to go and take a walk along one of the suggested routes… which I can’t do because I’m, well, nowhere close to Oregon. But I hope the mystery will be fun! No other books for me this month, since I’m trying really hard to finish at least a few of the tons of books I have already.

Goodreads Links:
Scene of the Climb



Coming Up Soon:

Upcoming Reviews
Jewel of the Thames Rivers of London The Heiresses The Hero's Guide to Saving Your Kingdom

Looking Forward To
Sept 23: The Scandalous Sisterhood of Prickwillow Place Sept 23: Salt & Storm Sept 30: Winterspell Oct 7: Bloodline Oct 14: Clariel

That’s it for this month, buttercups. What’s going on with you? Feel free to share in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!
Isa and Ren

Pick-For-Me • September

Pick For Me

Pick-For-Me is a monthly feature where each of us picks two books for the other to read. Click here for details.

August Thoughts

August Picks

Isa: This month was so hectic with my new apprenticeship and everything that I only got around to reading one of Ren’s picks — The Little Lady Agency. Unfortunately I didn’t get around to writing a review and I probably won’t do so in the future either. Ren and I were going to review it together, because I really really liked it and Ren actually didn’t and we wanted to share our thoughts on it. However, time is just not on our side this month and it’s not going to happen. I did start reading her second pick as well but I’m not sure if I’m going to continue. It’s not some awful DNF but idk the main character isn’t very relatable and I don’t really like her or the others in the book. I think maybe Harris’ writing isn’t for me because I struggled similarly with the Sookie Stackhouse series.

Ren: Unfortunately, The Friday Society was a DNF for me. The first sentence is: “And then there was an explosion. It was loud. It was bright. It was very explosion-y.” The writing just goes downhill from there. It’s like the author tried too hard to be funny, and ended up with something that isn’t funny at all, and is actually painful to read. I don’t have a good excuse like Isa (I’m still unemployed and it’s not like I was job hunting this month because everything is closed down in August) but I haven’t finished reading the second book either. I’m slogging through it because the writing is kind of meh and the characters are just sitting around and angsting instead of getting anything done.

Goodreads Links:
Grave SightThe Little Lady AgencyThe HeiressesThe Friday Society

September Picks

Ren for Isa

Rivers of London Austenland

On Goodreads:
Rivers of LondonAustenland

Ren: I’ve had my eye on Rivers of London for a while because the cover is absolutely gorgeous, so I’m curious if it’ll live up to the expectation. Austenland is Shannon Hale doing Jane Austen, and I’m hoping Isa will like it since she’s enjoying chick lit lately. Hopefully it’ll keep her mind away from work for a while!

Isa for Ren

A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray The Princess Curse by Merrie Haskell

On Goodreads:
A Thousand Pieces of YouThe Princess Curse

Isa: As is often the case, I went by shiny covers. I know you like a bit of fantasy, so I hope The Princess Curse works in our favour on that one. As for the other one, I am really intrigued by the parallel universe bit of the summary, so I hope it’s good. :D

Are you also doing the pick-for-me challenge with a friend or over at Amy’s LJ community? What do you think of our picks this month? Let us know in the comments!
Isa and Ren

What’s Up Buttercup • August Edition

What's Up, Buttercup?
What’s Up Buttercup is an overview of the past, present and future here on Words in a Teacup, posted around the middle of the month.


What's Been Going On:

  • First, a quick housekeeping notice: our review policy has been updated with more details about what we will and what we won’t accept for review. We’re flattered by all the requests, but we can’t read everything and some requests are completely outside our interests. We apologize if you contacted us in the last couple of weeks and didn’t receive a reply, hopefully the new policy is much more clear and will save time for everyone.
  • You might have noticed that we are not doing Thoughtful Thursday any more — Isa found it difficult to write for it every week, and her apprenticeship has crazy long hours (well, not so much long as bloody early… she gets up at 2:50am) so she’d rather be asleep in her spare time than thoughtful! We’re both thinking about new features to break the monotony of reviews, but for the time being the blog will be a little sparse.
  • Isa started Harry Potter In A Teacup, a new feature in which she discusses her re-read of the Harry Potter series. So far she’s talked about being introduced to the series for the first time, about the way Hogwarts contacts students (which must be pretty confusing for Muggleborns!) and about her thoughts on the sorting process.
  • Isa and Ren chose the books for this month’s Pick-For-Me and started reading at once! Isa really liked The Little Lady Agency so Ren also read it, but she wasn’t quite so enthusiastic about it, so there’s going to be a joint review in the future with split opinions. Ren unfortunately DNF’d one of the books but she’s reading the second book now, as is Isa.
  • Ren posted about the authors she owns the most books from — she has a lot of books! But lest anyone think that she’s a serious bookworm, in the same post she also listed ten characters she’d bring with her on a deserted island, choosing purely based on the hotness factor.
  • Prompted by a family friend, Ren listed ten books she’d give to kids who don’t like to read.
  • Ren whined a lot about books she’s not sure she wants to read.


Recently Reviewed

The Nightmare Affair by Mindee Arnett Graceling by Kristin Cashore Falling From The Sky by Nikki Godwin Panic by Lauren Oliver Since You’ve Been Gone by Anouska Knight
Allegiant by Veronica Roth Havemercy by Jaida Jones & Danielle Bennett The Lotus Palace by Jeannie Lin To Be or Not To Be by Ryan North



Recently Acquired:
Covers of books Ren just gotRen: I’ve got a bunch of review copies this month! Angela Misri asked us if we’d read her Sherlock Holmes-inspired books and of course I said yes — silhouette covers are my kryptonite. (Kidding. I liked the premise. But also I really liked the silhouette cover.) And I requested two books from NetGalley, because I thought one of the publishers would turn me down, but I got both books so the dilemma now is what do I start with??

Goodreads Links:
Jewel of the Thames • Circus of the Damned • Black Dog

Isa: I didn’t acquire anything lately aside from the constant feeling of zombieness due to my new job. The hours, you guys. I chose this but by god I’ve done four early shifts (which means I get up at 2:50am so I can be at work by 4:15) last week, four this week (tomorrow included) and then again on Monday. I just want to sleeeeeeeeeeeep forever. Thus the whole reading shindig is on ice for a bit. I barely get around to reading Harry Potter as it is, though I do wish I could read more. But by the time I get home I either have to go to bed after a late shift or really want to go to bed after my early shifts, but I can’t because naps are evil. (I love naps. If only they weren’t evil.)



Coming Up Soon:

Upcoming Reviews
The Dark Tide The Little Lady Agency High-heeled Wonder Grave Sight

That’s it for this month, buttercups. What’s going on with you? Feel free to share in the comments, we’d love to hear from you!
Isa and Ren

Pick-For-Me • August

Pick For Me

Pick-For-Me is a monthly feature where each of us picks two books for the other to read. Click here for details.

July Thoughts

Jule Picks

Isa: Ren was pretty lucky this month with her picks for me! I liked both books. :D In fact, I really loved Graceling which was very compelling and a super quick read for me despite the length. The Nightmare Affair wasn’t as awesome but still alright. The paranormal bits were pretty cool but I didn’t really dig the slights against ~nerds.

Ren: Isa wasn’t quite as lucky… I couldn’t get into Allegiant at all, the ~big plot revelations~ made no sense and the characters were boring. I did read quite a bit of it before giving up, though, so I’ll be posting my thoughts on it very soon. As for Havemercy, I’m still reading it. It’s slow going, because from the cover and the summary I was expecting MAGICAL MECHA DRAGONS and so far there isn’t any. The lack of magical mecha dragons is hampering my enjoyment of the book.

Goodreads Links:
The Nightmare AffairGracelingAllegiantHavemercy

August Picks

Ren for Isa

Grave Sight by Charlaine Harris The Little Lady Agency by Hester Browne

On Goodreads:
Grave SightThe Little Lady Agency

Ren: The Little Lady Agency has such an interesting premise and glowing reviews that I’m tempted to read it myself. I hope it won’t disappoint! I’m not so sure about Grave Sight, paranormal romances have a good chance of being terrible, but the cover grabbed my eye and if the book is a trainwreck there’s always the chance that it’ll be an entertaining one.

Isa for Ren

The Heiresses by Sara Shepard The Friday Society by Adrienne Kress

On Goodreads:
The HeiressesThe Friday Society

Isa: New approach this time: I’ll just go by shiny covers that caught my eye, maybe that’ll bring you back from your reading slump, darling. The Friday Society looks very fab, I think. Kick-ass ladies? Yum! I hope you’ll enjoy it since you like historical fiction. And then I chose The Heiresses because the cover is very lovely. I love that font and I’ve read the first installment of Sara Shepard’s Pretty Little Liars series, which I thought was very good but more teen than YA. So I hope you’ll like this one, since it seems a bit more mature.

Are you also doing the pick-for-me challenge with a friend or over at Amy’s LJ community? What do you think of our picks this month? Let us know in the comments!
Isa and Ren